EFT Practitioner & EFT Animal Practitioner Combined Course

EFT Animal Practitioner Full Course Payment £850.00
EFT Practitioner & EFT Animal Practitioner Combined Full Course Payment Discounted £1795.00
EFT Practitioner Full Course Payment £985.00
EFT Practitioner & EFT Animal Practitioner Discounted Combined Course
Marie has worked tirelessly for animals for over 10 years with EFT and documented most of her work in photographs and learned much that she would love to share with you. Firstly, you have to have a very strong knowledge of EFT or tapping as it's known-which Marie
has, with over 20 years experience and is a fully qualified & insured Master Trainer of Trainers and member of EFT International Association. So if you learn EFT, it is a gift for life as it saved Marie's life and has helped so many of her own animal companions and wildlife, including insects.
If you are a current EFT Practitioner and wish to only take the EFT Animal Practitioner Course or a General Interest in EFT with Animals Course, then search here. There is a full brochure with different levels of EFT Animal courses & course contents information etc in this Brochure.
The Practitioner Course Contents as follows:
This Course is working towards Practitioner Status or General interest and is two days.
The one day Foundational Course is a prerequisite to this Practitioner level. Please see Contents & Syllabus here for first day.
The second day working towards Practitioner status ( or general interest) and then Accreditation will include the following Course Contents:
Review Level 1 Foundational contents with any queries
Session setting-Intention, Permission & use of 'Protection'
Zoom, phone, distance work
Fears & Phobias of animals, insects
How to work with the human client on these fears/phobias
Animal Bereavement
Working with the human client on bereavement
Bring an animal companion to work with to the course as a demonstration
How to work with your human client
How to work with your animal client
Best practice working for human & animals
Intake email-information gathering
Intake form-information gathering
Disclaimers-website & documents
Business ideas including packages or individual
Accreditation process includes case studies, exam, post study & mentoring with Marie. Go to Accreditation link here for further information.
The full two day Practitioner (or general interest) Course is £395.00 in total.
If you wish to pay for the Practitioner & Accreditation ( Accreditation £495.00) this is £890 but £850.00 total. Saving £40.00
Payment plans available, please request.
Please complete Entry Registration Form here, if interested in Practitioner status and return to Marie.
If you have no professional knowledge of EFT and wish to become a Certified EFT Animal Practitioner, then this is the process:-
EFT Accredited Practitioner Course
- Learn EFT Foundational Level 1, full details here.
- Learn EFT towards Accredited Practitioner status with EFT International, full details here.
- The final part of professional Practitioner status is Accreditation, full details here.
- Official Certification of Accredited Practitioner status with EFT International issued.
- Total cost Discounted: £985.00 ( Option with 4 x Group Mentoring)
EFT Animal Practitioner Course ( this is not affiliated with EFT International but is accredited through IPHM)
- EFT Pre Study & Post Study Home Reading of Manuals
- Take 2 Day EFT with Animals Course, live online with Marie, full details here.
- Final part is Accreditation with Case studies, exam etc full details here.
- Certification of EFT Animal Practitioner issued.
- Total cost Discounted : £850.00
Pay Individually in 2 parts of £985.00 & £850.00 to receive discounted prices or additional discount in a one off payment. ( Covering everything except EFT International online exam £25.00 & EFT International annual membership.)
Total Course Cost Combined EFT Practitioner & EFT Animal Practitioner £1875.00. Total Discounted £1795.00
Additionally, you can pay for all parts of both courses separately as you take them. Fees on each course link and payments.
Courses on offer now on Pre Launch page to EFT Animal Practitioner!
EFT Practitioner & EFT Animal Practitioner Combined Full Course Payment Discounted £1795.00
EFT Practitioner Full Course Payment £985.00
EFT Animal Practitioner Full Course Payment £850.00
EFT Animal Practitioner 2 Day Course Only £395.00 .Accreditation separate payment.
Contact Marie