
EFT Online Tapping

New! Accredited EFT Animal Courses - General Interest or Practitioner

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Web Links & Social Media

Marie has a passion for EFT, training, energy techniques & animals. Please browse through the plethora of web sites and social media communities and links that have developed over the years such is Marie's passion to help, share, experience and exchange in this way. You are very welcome here.

Learn how to use EFT with Animals. This is a very popular One Day (or 2 x Half Days) workshop . It includes 5 x comprehensive illustrated manuals to accompany your course for further studying, guidelines, tips and information.

The course includes how to tap,multi surrogate methods, how to tell if your animal enjoys tapping or not, many tapping techniques that you can use with animals. Use tapping for wildlife and insects.

Useful for all animal guardians, volunteers, associations.

Marie is currently developing this towards professional insurable accreditation for those who wish to work with animals. More information on her EFT with Animals website here.

EFTSpainSHOP is a culmination of many years work in vast areas of EFT and related energy work which are brought together under one website to showcase her products, events including annual conferences, ebooks, mentoring packages, EFT courses, dowsing and animal communication...and much more for you! 

EFTSpain Training is one of Marie's original training websites packed with information on EFT training on 'physical' courses.

EFTSpain International showcases Marie's work with EFT and also with EFT and animals.

Animal Energy World has a high presence on social media such as Facebook and there will be a community that may suit you from the following sister groups. 
World Energy Speaker & Delegate Community. This is a community where you can join if interested in learning about the event, the speakers & their topics. There are special offers, program and updates. It is strictly a members only private group where you can join here.

World Energy Conference

Animal Energy World Speaker & Delegate Community. Once you have paid for your delegate tickets or are an ex delegate, speaker then we have a dedicated Facebook page especially for you where there are special offers, be the first to know about upcoming speakers, news and much more here!This group is a strictly members only group. Request to join here.

Animal Energy World Conference

Next we have a supportive Animal Energy World Community where Monday is Marketing Monday and you can share your business news, websites, books, DVD , events, courses, charity and launches, voluntary work or help starting a new business with animals etc.Tuesday to Sunday we have discussions on  animal posts,healing,energy, articles, therapies and much more. Request to join this closed members group here.

 We have a beautiful dedicated Facebook page for Animal Energy World Healing. This Community is a closed members group where members can post for their animal companions to request healing and in fact, even for themselves who as a companions or constant carers often need this facility themself. It is a loving, compassionate and safe area. You do not have to be a healer or professionals ,you may have an interest only or would like to help animals more. Request to join here

Marie has an Animal Energy World website for her varied work with animals using EFT, animal communication, dowsing and other energy techniques.

 And of course we have an Animal Energy World Conference  Facebook page to keep you updated with all the latest news on speakers, tickets, venue etc
Please feel free to click like and it will keep you updated on all that's happening in the Conference.